300 Heroes Wiki

Chen Meijia is a character from the chinese sitcom, iPartment.

Chen Meijia

Character Price: 6000 gold, OR 45 Blue Diamonds

Note: There is currently no information on this character's skills. Please help the wiki by providing information.

Character Bio

Chen Meijia is Lu Ziqiao’s ex-girlfriend, who moved into the apartment with him to take advantage of a discounted rent deal. She is childish, cheerful and ditzy, and gets easily attracted to cute things. She has a love-hate relationship with Ziqiao, and often gets angry at his laziness or flirting with other girls, and she also had a crush on Guangu for a short time when he first moved in.


Icon Slot Spellname Description
Passive ? ?
(WIP) Q ?


Damage: ? / ? / ? / ? / ? + (?% AP)

Cooldown: ? / ? / ? / ? / ? Seconds

Cost: ? Mana

(WIP) W ?


(WIP) E ?


(WIP) R ?

