"GUNDAM" is clearly based off of the japanese Gundam anime.
Character Price: 6000 Gold, OR 45 Blue Diamonds.
It's interesting to note that while most Heroes speak in Chinese, Gundam speaks in Japanese.
Gundam is a melee/ranged hybrid champion with numerous long range attacks and area of effect attacks.
This is not a complete or comprehensive list of GUNDAM's abilities, this is all observed from playing GUNDAM only once, with no knowledge of the chinese words.
GUNDAM has well patched armor. GUNDAM starts with 50 armor and 45 magic resist, but itsa armor and magic resist don't increase with level
High Energy Beam Rifile/"Scorpion" type Light Saber
This ability switches between flying and shooting mode, and running and lightsaber mode. Flying mode gives an increase to movement speed and ignores unit collision, and Melee mode gives an increase to armor and magic resist.
Activating melee mode from flying mode will cause the next attack to thrust forward for bonus damage and cause knock-up.
Damage: ? / ? / ? / ? / ? + (?% AD)
Move Speed: ? / ? / 14%? / ? / ?
Armor and MR: 10? / ? / ? / ? / ? + (?% AD)
Cooldown: ? / ? / 10? / ? / ? Seconds
Cost: 20 Mana
Dragon Rider System
Targeted ability on one enemy champion or an ally champion
On enemy cast: Markes a Enemy Champion and deals a DoT that lasts for 8 seconds, The Dot instantly ends if the enemy moves out of 700 range.
On ally/self cast: Creats a Shield that absorbs some damage, If the damage exceeds the shield's limit then the shield crashes and receives full damage. If self cast in light saber mode that the strenth and the duration of the shield lasts 30% longer.
Damage: ? / ? / ? / ? / 140? + (?% AP + ?% AD)
Cooldown: ? / ? / 14? / ? / ? Seconds
Cost: ? / ? / ? / ? / ? Mana
Laser Cannon
After a 0.5 seconds delay, GANDAM fires a beam in a straight line that deals true damage to all enemies in the path.
Damage: ? / ? / ? / ? / 180 + (?% AP + ?% AD)
Cooldown: ? / ? / ? / ? / 8? Seconds
Cost: 80 / ? / ? / ? / ? Mana
GUNDAM roots it self and locks on to up to 12 enemies (including minions), and fires 12 small lasers that deals true damage and then a large laser in targeted direction. Every small later that hits a previous targeted enemy will only deal 20% damage and the large lazer will deal a hight magic damage in a short line infront of GANDAM.
Damage 1st volley: ? / ? / 300 + (?%AP)
Damage 2nd volley: ? / ? / 80? + (?%AP + ?%AD)
Cooldown: 120 / ? / ? Seconds
Cost: 100 Mana
Any future clarification of powers is appreciated.
Pictured below is his in game starting stats and increase per level (in green):