300 Heroes Wiki



English: Sayaka Miki

Chinese: 美树沙耶加近战物理

Japanese: 美樹 さやか / Miki Sayaka


From Puella Magi Madoka Magica(Madoka's Best Friend)


Available for 45 Blue Gems, Not available for Gold at this time


Icon Slot Spellname Description
Passive Varied


Sayaka each kill / when can purify the soul gem assists, get 2/1 layer purification degree, up to 10 layers, each increased by 2 points / 5 seconds mana.

Pugong for not carved carved goal notes notes, and additional (50 + 5 * layers)% AD additional physical damage. Note 4 seconds. After the death of the soul gems fall foul (zero degree of purification).

Q Sward


Sayaka sprint in the specified direction, release saber surround itself, after two seconds or hit the enemy, the enemy, causing nearby 75/125/175/225/275 (+ additional AD * 1.25) physical damage over 1 second (without triggering equipment effects).

Four second cooldown after first strike.

Cost : 50

Cooldown : 12 seconds

W The Symbol of Pain Sayaka shielded full combat pain, pain barrier layer to obtain 4 for 4 seconds, so that the harm reduction each 4/5/6/7/8%. Each time you get hurt so which one layer is converted to make the effect of self-inflicted damage increased 4/5/6/7/8% for 4 seconds.

Cost : 30

Cooldown : 12 seconds

E Lamentations 


Sayaka specify a direction, within 2.5 seconds every 0.25 seconds for the direction of the throw out a knife during the free movement / attack / magic. Each of the knife hits all enemies causing 5/10/15/20/25 (+ full AD * 0.12) physical damage (not trigger special effects equipment). Increase carved accents target damage by 30%.

Cost : 50

Cooldown : 11 / 10 / 9 / 8 / 7

R The Sound

of Music

Passive: If Sayaka not Pugong within 10 seconds, will be rising tone scale, next Pugong increased by 300 range, reducing the target's movement speed by 60%, and not carved notes.

Active: Sayaka immediately refresh rising tone scale. Increased by 18/24/30% attack power, 18/24/30% and 30% movement speed armor. The bonus for 3 seconds after the start of decay, the decay to 0 within the next three seconds.

Cost : 80

Cooldown : 100 / 80 / 60
