300 Heroes Wiki
Shinobu Oshino2


Shinobu Oshino (Kiss shot - Acerola Orion - Heart Under Blade)


A vampire originally from the Light Novel series, "Monogatari." This is her "true" form before she loses her powers. 


Character Price: 6000 gold, OR 45 Blue Diamonds.


Hit Points: 7 Attack Damage: 5 Magic Damage: 5 Support: 4 Difficulty: 6

Hit Point 555 (+85) Attack Damage 48 (+3.2)
Mana Point

0 (+0)

Attack Speed 0.66 (+0.03)
Physical Armor 15 (+3.2) Movement Speed 302
Magic Resist 30 (+1.25) Range 190



(300 Heroes) Episode 5- Shinobu Oshino

Her Skin

Cost 198 Blue Diamonds.


Passive Does 10/15/20/25 True damage to Non-champion targets. Heals 6/9/12/15 each successful auto-attack. This skill ranks up at level 6/11/16
Q Deals physical damage on hit, resets auto-attack. Deals a damage plus a percentage of AD after 5 seconds. Has an on hit lifesteal property as well.
W Renders Shinobu untargetable for the duration. Increases movement speed every 0.5 seconds for 2 seconds. Causes magic damage plus 50% of AP to enemy champions that touch Shinobu during the duration. 
E Passively reduces movement speed and attack speed in a radius. When activated, deals magic damage in a short radius around yourself, and charms champions hit. Charmed heroes are disabled and walk slowly toward you.
R Leaps to target and damages. Shinobu is healed for the amount inflicted. After 15 seconds, the target will suffer an additional 15% of the damage suffered (Again, needs clarification on the extra tick). 

Recommended Items

This was posted on a 300 heroes site as a recommended item build. Consider it, or don't.

Shinobu Recommended Build1